5G use cases and application strategies


5G use cases changing the world

New 5G applications are emerging daily in tech and beyond. From autonomous vehicles to smarter cities, farming, and retail, the next wireless network standard will change how we interact with information, gadgets, and each other. What a better moment to examine how people are using 5G to change their reality.

What’s 5G?

Cellular networks are now 5G. 5G uses radio waves like 3G, 4G, and 4G LTE. Due to increases in latency, throughput, and capacity, 5G can download and upload quicker than prior networks.

How does 5G differ from existing wireless networks?

5G internet technology has been heralded as a breakthrough for consumers and companies since its 2019 introduction. This is mostly because its networks can manage massive amounts of data from sophisticated devices.

Over time, mobile technology has rapidly increased daily data use. Other transformative technologies like AI, IoT, and ML demand greater speeds than 3G and 4G networks. With its lightning-fast data transmission speeds, 5G lets newer technologies work as intended.

The main distinctions between 5G and earlier wireless networks are listed below.

  • Size: 5G transmitters are smaller than previous networks, enabling discreet deployment in out-of-the-way locales. In 5G networks, “cells” geographical regions that all wireless networks need for connectivity are smaller and use less power.
  • Error rates: 5G’s adaptive Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS), which WiFi devices utilize to transfer data, is more powerful than 3G and 4G. This lowers 5G’s Block Error Rate (BER), which measures error frequency.
  • Bandwidth: 5G networks can transmit on more bandwidths than earlier wireless networks due to their greater radio frequency spectrum. They can support more devices at once.
  • Lower latency: 5G’s low latency is a major improvement over prior generations. This implies 5G connections are quicker than other networks for tasks like downloading files and working in the cloud.

How does 5G work?

5G networks are divided into cells like other wireless networks. Smartphones, PCs, and IoT devices connect to the internet via radio waves between an antenna and a base station in each cell. 5G networks use the same technology as 3G and 4G networks, but they have reduced latency and can give download rates up to 10 gigabits per second.

More 5G gadgets are being created, increasing demand for 5G connection. Popular ISPs like Verizon, Google, and AT&T provide 5G networks to households and businesses. Statista reports that over 200 million households and organizations have bought it, with that figure predicted to treble by 2028.

Let’s examine three technical advances that make 5G special

New telecom specs

New radio access technology is provided by the 5G NR (New Radio) cellular network standard for all 5G mobile networks. In 2018, the global 3FPP set 5G device and application design guidelines.

Success led to rapid growth of 5G networks in the following years. Currently, 45% of networks globally are 5G capable, but Ericsson predicts that figure will climb to 85% by the end of the decade.

Independent virtual networks (slicing)

Operators may provide several virtual networks (in addition to public ones) on 5G networks. This new wireless network permits more distant tasks with higher security than ever before. On a 5G network, organizations may establish use cases or business models and give them their own virtual network, greatly improving employee experience by increasing customizability and security.

Private networks

Besides network slicing, a 5G private network may improve customization and security over prior wireless networks. Global enterprises choose private 5G network designs over public networks to provide their staff greater autonomy and mobility.

5G Use cases

Now that we know how 5G works, let’s examine some of its interesting uses.

Autonomous vehicles

Most next-generation autonomous vehicle capabilities use 5G technology, from taxis to drones. Due to 3G and 4G data transmission restrictions, fully autonomous cars remained a pipe dream until 5G. With 5G’s lightning-fast connection rates, automobiles, trains, and more can travel quicker than ever, changing how systems and gadgets connect, communicate, and cooperate.

Smart factories

5G, AI, and ML will make manufacturing smarter, automated, efficient, and resilient. Due to 5G connection and AI/ML capabilities, robots are doing numerous monotonous but required equipment maintenance and optimization jobs. 5G is projected to affect fuel efficiency, equipment lifecycles, and home delivery in this field.

The Drones and cameras linked to IoT-enabled smart devices may detect and deliver items faster and prevent theft on a crowded production floor. This is better for the environment and customers and frees up personnel to focus on their strengths.

SMART cities

A hyper-connected urban environment that employs 5G network speeds to innovate law enforcement, garbage disposal, and catastrophe mitigation is becoming a reality. Some cities utilize 5G-enabled sensors to study traffic trends in real time and change signals to optimize traffic flow, congestion, and air quality.

5G power grids monitor supply and demand in densely populated regions and use AI and ML to “learn” peak and low energy usage. Energy saving and trash reduction may reduce carbon emissions and help communities meet sustainability objectives using this procedure.

Smart health care

Daily, hospitals, physicians, and the healthcare business benefit from 5G networks’ speed and dependability. Remote surgery using robots and a 5G-connected HD live feed is one example. Mobile health, where 5G offers field workers immediate access to patient data and medical history, may help them make wiser, quicker choices and save lives.

Finally, as the pandemic showed, contact tracking and outbreak mapping are essential to population safety. 5G’s fast and secure data delivery lets professionals make better informed choices that affect everyone.

Improved employee satisfaction

5G and other technologies will automate and enhance employee activities and experiences. Consider VR and AR. Stockroom workers, transportation drivers, and others utilize VR and AR. This workforce uses wearables linked to a 5G network for high-speed data transmission rates that increase functions like:

  • Live views: 5G allows real-time equipment, event, and person viewing. Professional sports broadcasters may utilize this technology to remotely call events from outside the stadium.
  • Digital overlays: Warehouse and industrial workers using smart glasses or smartphones may get real-time insights from IoT apps, such as maintenance instructions or spare component names and locations.
  • Drone inspections: Remote equipment or project site inspections are a primary source of employee harm. 5G drones can monitor equipment and project sites and scan hard-to-reach gauges safely.

Edge computing

Edge computing, which permits calculations closer to data sources, is becoming the norm for organizations. According to this Gartner white paper (link outside ibm.com), 75% of corporate data will be handled at the edge by 2025, up from 10% presently. This change saves organizations time and money and improves data management. It would be impossible without 5G’s increased speed requirements.

The organization can quickly transmit, manage, and secure vast amounts of data with ultra-reliable edge computing and 5G. These twin technologies will minimize latency, increase speed, dependability, and bandwidth, giving organizations quicker, more complete data analysis and insights.

5G solutions with IBM Cloud Satellite provide significant corporate prospects, but need a fast platform. IBM Cloud Satellite allows you execute programs reliably on 5G networks in on-premises, edge computing, and public clouds. IBM Cloud safe and auditable communications allow it all.

News source: 5G use cases

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