Boost Your Security with Google Cloud Threat Intelligence

For decades, Google Cloud Threat Intelligence solutions have struggled with two main issues: first, they don't give a complete picture of the threat landscape; and second, gathering and operationalizing the data requires a significant amount of time, effort, and resources from organisations before it can be used for their benefit.

Presenting Google Cloud Threat Intelligence at today's RSA Conference in San Francisco excites everyone. This new product combines the unparalleled depth of Mandiant's frontline experience and the worldwide reach of the Virus Total community with the unparalleled breadth of visibility that only Google can deliver, based on billions of signals across devices and emails. Thanks to Gemini, Google Cloud Threat Intelligence's AI-powered agent that provides conversational search across this vast threat intelligence collection, customers can get insights and protect themselves from attacks faster than ever before.

"There is no shortage of threat intelligence available," says Enterprise Strategy Group principal analyst Dave Gruber. "The challenge for most is to contextualise and operationalize intelligence relevant to their specific organisation." Without a doubt, Google provides two of the most important threat intelligence bases available on the market right now in Virus Total and Mandiant. Thanks to their integration into a single service enhanced by AI and Google threat insights, security professionals now have a new method to operationalize actionable threat intelligence to better protect their organisations.

improved sight of hazard

Google Threat Intelligence provides unparalleled visibility into the global threat landscape. The combination of Virus Total's large crowdsourced malware database, Mandiant's top incident response and threat research team's profound insights, and its very broad user and device footprint makes for a potent weapon.

Google threat insights: Google protects 4 billion devices and 1.5 billion email accounts by blocking 100 million phishing attempts daily. This helps us connect the dots back to attack operations by providing us with access to a broad range of sensors and a unique perspective on threats conveyed via email and the internet.

Frontline intelligence: Mandiant's eIite event responders and security consultants conduct over 1,100 investigations annually to gather information about attacker tactics and strategies. With this information, they help clients defend against cunning and persistent threat actors all over the world.

Human-curated threat intelligence: Mandiant's global threat experts continuously monitor threat actor groups for activity and behavioural changes in order to contextualise ongoing investigations and provide you with the knowledge you need to respond.

Crowdsourced threat intelligence: VirusTotal's global community of over a million members regularly uploads potential threat indicators, such as files and URLs, to provide real-time insight into emerging attacks.

Open-source threat intelligence: This kind of data is used to update the knowledge base with the most recent discoveries made by the security community.


Find out who is after you with unmatched visibility

Thanks to Google Cloud Threat Intelligence, which provides unmatched visibility into threats, it is able to provide security teams across the globe with thorough and timely threat intelligence. We are able to protect the most important organisations of yours by seeing the whole threat landscape, which includes protecting billions of users, seeing millions of phishing assaults, and investing hundreds of thousands of hours in event investigation.

Put concepts into action

You may focus on the threats that are most important to your organisation by being aware of the threat actors and their dynamic tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). Make use of these insights to look for new and distinct threats, strengthen your defences, and respond to them swiftly and efficiently.

Incorporate Google into your security protocols

Make use of the best threat analysts in the industry from Mandiant to elevate the calibre of your team. Our team of experts in threat intelligence is available to help. Whether you're looking for cyber threat intelligence (CTI) training for your team, a deeper understanding of threats you should prioritise and take action on, or a CTI specialist to sit with your team, we have the experience and knowledge to help you make the most of threat intelligence.

Seek prompt assistance from a Mandiant specialist via the interface to expedite risk resolution and move on to your next task.

Energise your team with Gemini

Optimise your workflows with artificial intelligence. In threat intelligence, Gemini analyses massive datasets and acts as a force multiplier, reducing the amount of general alerts and immediately highlighting the threats that are most relevant to your specific risk profile. It continuously detects your actions and modifies its output over time to become more and more appropriate for your specific needs.

A workbench can simplify procedures and foster collaboration.
Take charge of your threat analysis. With the threat intelligence workbench, everything you need is easily accessible in one place. This includes a comprehensive malware database, powerful tools, insightful context, and straightforward teamwork. Workflows can be made more productive by adding graphs, hunting outcomes, rule sharing, and collections.
priorities and automatically improve IOCs.

Improve and arrange SIEM alerts

Google Cloud Threat intelligence helps to properly manage the excessive number of warnings. Google Threat Intelligence consolidates hundreds of technical details into a single score, which facilitates alert prioritisation. With its carefully chosen threat intelligence insights from Mandiant analysts, community intelligence, and associated IOC information, you may link alerts and more precisely identify significant threats.

React confidently to circumstances

Expand your capabilities in forensics and incident response (IR)

To enable efficient threat analysis, IR and forensic investigators are provided with comprehensive and practical data from Google Cloud Threat Intelligence. Thanks to the outstanding technological pivoting capabilities, curated and crowdsourced threat intelligence, and interactive graph visualisations, teams can quickly assess the severity of an incident and identify more indicators of compromise, context, and attribution.

Sophisticated hunting methods and threat analysis

Find threats with effectiveness

The value of threat hunting is increased and proactive threat tracking and mitigation are made feasible by Google Cloud Threat Intelligence, which provides customised risk profiles that include actors, campaigns, and malware families. Detailed reports on malicious activity and TTP analysis help to improve detection and prevention methods, while crowdsourcing detection criteria and YARA hunting capabilities find threats and malicious activities.

Find threats from the outside

Always stay one step ahead of the threats.
Through proactive monitoring of exposed data, attack surface, and brand impersonation, possible external threats can be identified. To receive early warnings of potential breaches, identify websites, phishing attempts, and compromised credentials that are abusing your brands. Be wary of malevolent use of your resources, infrastructure, or reputation, including the employment of malware. Get notifications if any of your assets are found in a malware setup.

Improved management of vulnerabilities

To revolutionise vulnerability management, integrate asset exposure monitoring, vulnerability intelligence, and early threat detection. Determine and prioritise vulnerabilities by employing information from actual exploitation, encompassing associated campaigns and malevolent individuals. This approach may help prioritise the most serious vulnerabilities and more efficiently distribute resources.

AI-powered threat intelligence

Identify and manage the primary risks to your organisation on a daily basis.
Quickly ascertain the state of your threat landscape and any alterations. Get up-to-date information on campaigns that are now running, malware, relevant vulnerabilities, and who is targeting you on a single dashboard. To keep your company informed and ready, receive daily or weekly updates about changes to your danger landscape.

Summaries created by AI speed up your understanding of threat intelligence.

Utilise Gemini's advantage in threat intelligence

Cut down on complexity and save time when looking at geopolitical concerns or dangers. Condensing Mandiant's industry-leading corpus of threat intelligence data into comprehensible, natural language summaries will help you respond quickly to potential threats to your business and how they might be affecting the threat landscape. Use Gemini in Threat Intelligence, an always-on AI collaborator that offers generative AI-powered support.

Examine the threat actor's playbook

Know how the attack will proceed before it starts.
Map the TTPs that are used to target businesses that are similar to yours in order to develop a proactive security plan. By mapping the TTPs with the MITRE ATT&CK methodology, you may more confidently prioritise tasks, adjust security settings, and make security investments.
Identify, foresee, and respond to dangers with assurance.

Availability of current threat campaigns

Your security plan can be proactively established with the aid of threat intelligence. Google Cloud attack Intelligence provides valuable insights into current attack campaigns that could target your sector, location, or vulnerabilities. With this knowledge in hand, you can quickly adjust your strategy to enhance prioritisation and reduce known and unknown risks.


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