AMD Instinct GPU Accelerators Boost LLMs


AMD Instinct Accelerators

AMD Instinct MI300X Accelerators with ROCm Software: Boost Your LLMs

Although large language models (LLMs) appear to be widely available and unrestricted, fierce rivalry exists behind the scenes for the AMD Instinct GPUs resources required to run them. For those wishing to develop and implement LLMs and their visual counterparts, there are substantial obstacles due to cost, availability, and performance limits.

These models place heavy demands on memory and processing power due to their reliance on processing billions of parameters at once. Their impressive powers are made possible by their huge scale, but this also makes it difficult to deploy them economically. TCO issues can also arise from AI inferencing, which uses trained models to produce and provide predictions or outputs. But the AMD Instinct MI300X accelerator aids in removing these obstacles and maximising LLM potential.

AMD MI300X accelerator Vs Nvidia H200

Huge memory bandwidth and the ability to accommodate larger models

Large datasets and computations required by LLMs require high bandwidth, which is essential for enabling quicker processing, lower latency, and improved overall performance. With a peak memory bandwidth of up to 5.3 TB/s, the AMD MI300X accelerator outperforms the Nvidia H200 by a wide margin.

The MI300X does not require splitting models of this magnitude across many GPUs because it can support models with up to 80 billion parameters on a single GPU because to its 192 GB of HBM3 memory. On the other hand, the Nvidia H200, which has 141 GB of HBM2e memory, could need to split models, which would complicate matters and reduce data transfer efficiency.

More of the model can be stored closer to the computing units thanks to the AMD Instinct GPUs huge memory capacity, which lowers latency and boosts performance. Furthermore, the MI300X’s enormous memory capacity allows it to manage numerous large models on a single GPU, which solves the problem of dividing these models between AMD Instinct GPUs and the related execution complexity that accompany this operation.

The MI300X is a great option for handling the rigorous requirements of LLMs since it minimises potential inefficiencies in data transfer, which simplifies implementation and improves performance.

Due of its massive memory capacity and high bandwidth, the MI300X GPU can complete tasks on a single GPU that the H200 would require numerous AMD Instinct GPUs to complete. This can reduce expenses and ease deployment. These features can increase performance while simplifying the management of many GPUs. It might require less GPUs to run a model like ChatGPT on the MI300X than it would on the H200. making it a fantastic choice for businesses looking to implement cutting-edge  AI models.

Using Flash Attention to Improve LLM inference

Flash Attention, a significant advancement in optimising LLM inference on GPUs, is supported by AMD Instinct GPUs such the MI300X. Conventional attention techniques cause bottlenecks because they require numerous reads and writes to high-bandwidth memory (HBM). To combat this, Flash Attention reduces data transmission and boosts speed by consolidating processes like activation and dropout into a single step. LLMs especially benefit from this optimisation since it enables quicker and more effective processing.

AMD Instinct MI300X

Performance of floating point operations

One key indicator of LLM performance is floating point operation performance. Up to 1.3 PFLOPS of half-precision floating point (FP16) and 163.4 TFLOPS of single-precision floating point (FP32) performance are provided by the MI300X. These performance thresholds contribute to the precise and efficient operation of the intricate calculations involved in LLMs. Deep-learning models rely on complex numerical computations for tasks like matrix multiplications and tensor operations, for which this performance is also important.

The MI300X can handle several operations at once because of its advanced parallelism-supporting architecture. The MI300X can easily manage the large amount of parameters in LLMs thanks to its 304 compute units, which allows it to carry out complicated tasks.


An ideal open software stack for developing and transferring LLMs

For AI and HPC applications, the AMD ROCm software platform offers a solid and open basis. ROCm makes AI-specific libraries, tools, and frameworks available so that AI developers may easily take advantage of the MI300X GPU’s capabilities. Code created on CUDA can be easily ported to ROCm with little modifications from developers, ensuring efficiency and compatibility.

Leading AI frameworks like PyTorch and TensorFlow are supported by upstream ROCm software, making millions of Hugging Face and other LLMs functional right out of the box. Additionally, it makes it easier to integrate libraries like Hugging Face and frameworks like PyTorch with AMD GPUs, making the integration of LLMs on the MI300X simple. With AMD Instinct GPUs, this integration guarantees developers to optimise application performance and give optimal performance for LLM inference.


Making a tangible difference

To improve LLM inference models and address real-world issues, AMD works in an open ecosystem with industry partners like Microsoft, Hugging Face, and the OpenAI Triton team. AMD Instinct GPUs, such as the MI300X, are used by the Microsoft Azure cloud platform to improve enterprise AI services. Another noteworthy MI300X implementation by Microsoft and OpenAI is ChatGPT-4, which demonstrates how well AMD GPUs can manage demanding  AI workloads.

Hugging Face collaborates with the OpenAI Triton team to integrate cutting-edge tools and frameworks, while utilising AMD technology to optimise models and accelerate inference times.

In conclusion, because the AMD Instinct MI300X accelerator can handle issues with availability, speed, and cost, it’s a great option for implementing big language models. By offering a dependable, effective substitute and a robust ROCm ecosystem, AMD supports companies in maintaining stable AI operations and achieving peak performance.

ROCm: What is it?

ROCm is an open-source stack for graphics processing unit (GPU) compute that is mainly made up of open-source software. GPU programming is made possible by ROCm, which is a set of drivers, development tools, and APIs that range from low-level kernel to end-user programs.

Heterogeneous-computing Interface for Portability (HIP) powers ROCm, which comes with all the required libraries, debuggers, and compilers for open source applications. It also supports programming models like OpenMP and OpenCL. It is completely integrated with PyTorch and TensorFlow, two machine learning (ML) frameworks.

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