AWS CloudTrail tracks S3 Express One Zone data


AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail is used to keep track of data events that occur in the Amazon S3 Express One Zone.

AWS introduced you to Amazon S3 Express One Zone, a single-Availability Zone (AZ) storage class designed to provide constant single-digit millisecond data access for your most frequently accessed data and latency-sensitive applications. It is intended to provide up to ten times higher performance than S3 Standard and is ideally suited for demanding applications. S3 directory buckets are used by S3 Express One Zone to store items in a single AZ.

In addition to bucket-level activities like CreateBucket and DeleteBucket that were previously supported, S3 Express One Zone now supports AWS CloudTrail data event logging, enabling you to monitor all object-level operations like PutObject, GetObject, and DeleteObject. In addition to allowing you to benefit from S3 Express One Zone’s 50% cheaper request costs than the S3 Standard storage class, this also enables auditing for governance and compliance.

This new feature allows you to easily identify the source of the API calls and immediately ascertain which S3 Express One Zone items were created, read, updated, or removed. You can immediately take steps to block access if you find evidence of unauthorised S3 Express One Zone object access. Moreover, rule-based processes that are activated by data events can be created using the CloudTrail connection with Amazon EventBridge.

S3 Express One Zone data events logging with CloudTrail

You open the Amazon S3 console first. You will make an S3 bucket by following the instructions for creating a directory bucket, selecting Directory as the bucket type and apne1-az4 as the availability zone. You can type s3express-one-zone-cloudtrail in the Base Name field, and the Availability Zone ID of the Availability Zone is automatically appended as a suffix to produce the final name. Lastly, you click Create bucket and tick the box indicating that data is kept in a single availability zone.

Now you open the CloudTrail console and enable data event tracking for S3 Express One Zone. You put in the name and start the CloudTrail trail that monitors my S3 directory bucket’s activities.

You can choose Data events with Advanced event pickers enabled under Step 2: Choose log events.

S3 Express is the data event type you have selected. To manage data events for every S3 directory bucket, you can select Log all events as my log selector template.

But you just want events for my S3 directory bucket, s3express-one-zone-cloudtrail–apne1-az4–x-s3, to be logged by the event data store. Here, you specify the ARN of my directory bucket and pick Custom as the log selection template.

Complete Step 3 by reviewing and creating. You currently have CloudTrail configured for logging.

S3 Express One Zone data event tracking with CloudTrail in action

You retrieve and upload files to my S3 directory bucket using the S3 interface

Log files are published by CloudTrail to an S3 bucket in a gzip archive, where they are arranged in a hierarchical structure according to the bucket name, account ID, region, and date. You list the bucket connected to my Trail and get the log files for the test date using the AWS CLI.

Let’s look over these files for the PutObject event. You can see the PutObject event type when you open the first file. As you remember, you only uploaded twice: once through the CLI and once through the S3 console in a web browser. This event relates to my upload using the S3 console because the userAgent property, which indicates the type of source that made the API call, points to a browser.

Upon examining the third file pertaining to the event that corresponds to the PutObject command issued through the AWS CLI, I have noticed a slight variation in the userAgent attribute. It alludes to the AWS CLI in this instance.

Let’s now examine the GetObject event found in file number two. This event appears to be related to my download via the S3 console, as you can see that the event type is GetObject and the userAgent relates to a browser.

Let me now demonstrate the event in the fourth file, including specifics about the GetObject command you issued using the AWS CLI. The eventName and userAgent appear to be as intended.

Important information

Starting out The CloudTrail console, CLI, or SDKs can be used to setup CloudTrail data event tracking for S3 Express One Zone.

Regions: All AWS Regions with current availability for S3 Express One Zone can use CloudTrail data event logging.

Activity tracking: You may record object-level actions like Put, Get, and Delete objects as well as bucket-level actions like CreateBucket and DeleteBucket using CloudTrail data event logging for S3 Express One Zone.

CloudTrail pricing

Cost: Just like other S3 storage classes, the amount you pay for S3 Express One Zone data event logging in CloudTrail is determined by how many events you log and how long you keep the logs. Visit the AWS CloudTrail Pricing page to learn more.

For S3 Express One Zone, you may activate CloudTrail data event logging to streamline governance and compliance for your high-performance storage.

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