Google Cloud Armor safeguards EA Sports Game Servers


Help protect your apps and websites from denial-of-service assaults and other online dangers.

Benefits of Google Cloud Armor

Combined DDoS defense

Cloud Armor benefits from Google's experience protecting significant online properties like YouTube, Gmail, and Google Search. It provides L3 and L4 integrated protection against DDoS attacks.

Diminish the OWASP Top 10 dangers

Cloud Armor's pre-established rules help defend against attacks such as SQL injection (SQLi) and cross-site scripting (XSS).

Security appropriate for a business

With the Cloud Armor Enterprise tier, you may receive curated rule sets, DDoS and WAF services, along with other services, for a set monthly charge.

Crucial attributes

Adaptive defense

To detect and help mitigate large-scale Layer 7 DDoS assaults, deploy a machine learning system that has been locally trained on your apps.

Advanced DDoS protection for networks

With always-on attack monitoring and mitigation, workloads can be safeguarded against volumetric network and protocol DDoS attacks using virtual machines (VMs) with public IP addresses, protocol forwarding, and external network load balancers.

Predetermined WAF guidelines

Industry-standard out-of-the-box rules provide OWASP Top 10 protection and mitigation against common web-application vulnerabilities.

Bot error

provides automated bot protection for your apps and, through native integration with reCAPTCHA Enterprise, helps stop fraud both at the source and on the edge.

Setting a rate limit

With rate-based limits, you may protect your apps against a large number of requests that overwhelm your instances and deny access to them to authorized users.

Cloud Armor cost

The pricing of Google Cloud Armor varies based on protection and application traffic. An outline of a typical cost structure.

Safe Guidelines

Security policy monthly fees are $5.

This is where policies for traffic filtering are developed and updated.

Rules for Security Policy

$1 a month for each regulation.

Policies containing several rules are subject to charges per rule.

Fees for HTTP(S) requests

$0.75 for every million HTTP(S) requests analyzed by Cloud Armor.

This charge applies to traffic filtered by Cloud Armor.

Adaptation for Protection

$0.10 is the cost of one protected resource per hour.

This includes adaptive protection-based automatic DDoS mitigation.

Costs of DDoS Protection

DDoS protection is provided free of charge to applications utilizing the basic Cloud Armor service; however, premium protection tiers may incur additional fees.

Extraordinary Features

More expensive complex security features, including logging, can depend on your use case.

For current pricing based on your demands, check out Google Cloud's pricing calculator or documentation. Cost varies according to feature and area.

GCP Cloud Defense

Electronic Arts (EA) is a global pioneer in digital interactive entertainment, known for its innovative games, innovative services, and powerful technology. A well-known gaming company, EA Sports FC, decided to put its gaming infrastructure on Google Cloud Armor in order to protect its game servers and enhance DDoS resistance.

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks have the potential to cause significant harm to gaming companies. They could damage gaming servers, interfere with player access to games, or interrupt gameplay. This could lead to lower sales, disgruntled customers, and reputational harm for the company.

Over the past year, DDoS attacks have increased dramatically in both volume and frequency, with the gaming industry being their main target. The gaming business is the most hit sector, with 46% of attacks targeting it, according to the Gcore Radar report for the second half of 2023.

Hosting with Armor Cloud

Using Google Cloud Armor to defend against DDoS attacks

Cloud Armor is a DDoS mitigation and web-application firewall service located on the edge of Google's Cross-Cloud Network. Cloud Armor protects apps and services that are installed on Google Cloud, locally, or with an other infrastructure provider.

By focusing on the gaming industry, Cloud Armor has expanded its product line in the past year to accommodate the unique needs of L4 workloads like UDP. The underlying networking infrastructure supports both GKE and GCE workloads and can take the form of an External Passthrough Load Balancer or virtual machines (VMs) with public IP addresses.

As a Cloud Armor Enterprise user, EA Sports makes use of our new bespoke network edge security rules together with improved network DDoS protection. Advanced network DDoS defense provides always-on attack detection and just-in-time mitigation to combat common volumetric network and protocol DDoS attacks, including SYN flood, UDP flood, DNS reflection, and NTP amplification attacks.

Using Cloud Armor custom network edge security policies, customers can create a set of security rules to allow or prohibit traffic at the network's edge depending on user-specified criteria, such as IP addresses, ASNs, ports, regions, and protocols. By connecting a security policy to one or more virtual machines (VMs) or backend services, customers may match each policy to the specific service they wish to protect.

Google Cloud Armor also does deep packet inspection on inbound traffic to halt activity that violates policies. Clients can configure a security policy rule that checks each incoming packet using a user-specified TCP/UDP byte offset location filter when paired with additional filters.

At Google Cloud's network edge, which is far upstream of client equipment, each incoming packet is evaluated and subject to Cloud Armor security requirements. Because of the size and reach of our network, Google Cloud can safely absorb and distribute large-scale attacks with minimal impact on client infrastructure.

These new custom network edge security policies were developed in collaboration with more clients and the EA Product Infrastructure and Engineering division. Throughout the development phase, the Cloud Armor team evaluated and improved the suggested service. The result is a powerful tool that helps EA Sports FC create security policies that are tailored to their needs and improve their DDoS protection.

Learn about Cloud Armor

Cloud Armor is a helpful tool for protecting game servers against DDoS attacks. By reducing the impact of attacks, it can guarantee that players can continue to enjoy themselves while playing their games.

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